There are two main types of sheepskin rugs, naturally-shaped and straight-edge. The naturally-shaped are by far the most popular type of sheepskin rug. They are also less expensive than straight edge rugs because they require fewer pelts. To make this rug, pairs of sheepskin pelts are butted togethor on their flat ends to create an elongated oval (Double-pelt rug). These ovals are each about 2ft wide and are sewn together lengthwise to build up Quarto (4 pelt), Sexto (6 pelt), and Octo (8 pelt) sizes.

Here are the approximate sizes for the naturally-shaped sheepskin rugs (custom sheepskin rugs in any size can be made as well).
Longwool Naturals Min. Length Min Width
Single (1 piece), 2 x 3ft, Ivory 41 inch 24 inch
Single (1 piece), 2 x 3ft, Colors 37 inch 24 inch
Jumbo Single Pelts Ivory only 45 inch 24.8 inch
Double (2 piece), 2 x 6ft 71 inch 24 inch
Quarto (4 piece), 4 x 6ft 71 inch 43 inch
Sexto (6 piece), 6 x 6ft 71 inch 64 inch
Octo (8 piece), 6 x 7ft 71 inch 84.0 inch
Straight-edge rugs require more pelts per square foot and so are more expensive than the naturally-shaped rugs. The most popular rug of this type by far is the simple ivory sheepskin rug in a variety of sizes. We stock rectangular and oval straight-edge rugs in Ivory, Chocolate and Black, in sizes 4ft x 6ft (1.2m x 1.8m), 5ft6in x 8ft (1.67m x 2.4m), 6ft x 9ft (1.8m x 2.7m). In addition, we can make straight edge rugs in a variety of sized and colors (see our Custom Sheepskin page for details).
We also feature Sheepskin Designer Rugs: Luxurious shortwool sheepskin rugs in a variety of contemporary designs. These rugs are available in the following sizes: 2ft x 8ft, 4ft x 6ft, 5ft6in x 8ft, 6ft6in x 9ft6in, 8ft x 11ft6in, and 6ft6in x 6ft6in.
Sheepskin Pillows
Sheepskin accent pillows are available in floor pillow sizes (24in x 24in and 32in x 32in), sizes suitable for large sofas and sectionals (16in x 24in and 20in roung), and a 14in x 14in size for average couches and sofas.
We are happy to take your order personally, or answer any questions you may have.
Contact us Toll Free at 1-877-658-9879, locally at 1-651-253-0636, or by Email:
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